When I started Bwlb back in 2019 I remember feeling the "zero clients" situation very strongly. As a new business, you have to go and create your own market and find your own customers. No one is doing that for you. It's really hard.
You hope that one customer brings two, then three, four and so on. That's why your first customer is so crucial. As Peter Thiel would say, going from zero to one is the hardest step. That's why in the 'Work' section of this website I've written the full story on how I met and worked with Bwlb's first client (Alex from FinCo Coffee) - it was a key moment. Writing this post now, it's a special day for Bwlb. The newest addition to the stable of ongoing podcasts I make for clients has tipped over from 3 to 4. The first episode of 'Arts & Culture' (a podcast for The Association for Cultural Enterprises) went live today. Host Tom and I are having great fun making it and we've had to be patient - for a whole load of reasons it has taken a while to go from initial chats to published first episode. That patience has paid off today. Only a few hours in to launch and the episode is getting some lovely comments. I can genuinely say that I really enjoy making all 4 of Bwlb's regular podcasts - Planet Possible, The 17, the Crack On Podcast and Arts & Culture. I learn a lot, I still love the process of audio editing (even after 20 years!) and the people I work with to make them (Niki, Al, Kate, Jonathan, Jon and Tom) are all people who I like, respect and look forward to working with. I feel very grateful for this little company Bwlb. I've put a lot of work into it - sure - but it continues to give me so much back. Work I enjoy, a living and, crucially, the chance to live my day-to-day professional life according to values I have chosen and believe in: Be creative. Make high quality stuff. Try to be a positive voice.