So much to update on in the world of Bwlb. Research & Development has become a key part of what this company does. With the support of Clwstwr, Bwlb has created a new product for the podcast industry - Accordion.
Accordion enables manipulation of podcast duration whilst maintaining structure, tone and listenability. For listeners, that means any and every podcast episode can perfectly fit the time they have available to listen. No more incomplete listens. No more missing the funny bit everyone else is talking about because you didn't have the time to reach that part. The ability to catch up on the back catalogue of your new favourite pod in good time. For producers, Accordion effectively makes automation of re-versioning possible. But - and this is crucial - this isn't another step away from the art of audio production and a step towards A.I. at all costs. I'm an audio person through and through. I want this tool to help people make great audio, and help listeners better enjoy great audio, not replace the art of the the Producer. Accordion is about to be introduced to the world via its first real-life application, in a collaboration with Belgium-based podcast company Bulle Media, supported by Stars4Media, a European initiative to boost continent-wide media innovation. Bulle Media's upcoming podcast series about Angela Merkel will be available to listen to using Accordion functionality - listeners will be able to manipulate the duration of every one of the 10 x 20 min episodes as they are released. We're super keen to get people using Accordion, collect data and feedback, learn and improve. We're in the engine room of this project now. Designing landing pages, enjoying great logo design, employing new freelancers, firing up our old friend Accordion and getting her to flex her muscles by working on some original audio against the clock. And, in the background, the international patent process is ongoing. This is an innovative product with, hopefully, vast potential, so everything is being done properly to protect it. I'm passionate about Bwlb being a home-grown Welsh company, operating in Cardiff, my home. I'm excited about what the future can bring. I'm sure there will be highs and lows, but we're going to enjoy the ride. Pob lwc pawb! Andy